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Your responsibilities – Indemnity and Release

In consideration of, and as a condition of your presence at or participating in a DOCNZ club activity, you indemnify, hold harmless and release DOCNZ, its officers, volunteers, agents and members (indemnitees) against any actions, costs losses or claims arising out of, or related to, your injury or death, loss or damage caused to you or your equipment however arising (losses) and agree to release all and each indemnitee to the full extent permitted by law from all liability to you for losses arising directly or indirectly as a result of any act or omission of all or any of the indemnitees or which is connected to your presence or involvement in the DOCNZ club activity.

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Say what…?!

Motorcycling is friggen AMAZING and can be friggen dangerous. You could be injured, killed, or worse, harm your motorcycle! It’s also possible you could get lost, or left behind at the pie shop.

Your participation in any DOCNZ activity is at your own discretion and risk.
By attending or engaging, it is deemed that you acknowledge this danger and accept the risk.

Whilst we will do all we can as good buggers to assist if you're involved in an incident, although ultimately you are responsible for your own safety and well-being. Joining any ride is your agreement to this.

Each human who engages is to take responsibility for:

  • themselves and/or their pillion, including the use of protective motorcycle gear
  • being in a fit and able state to ride and to maintain concentration
  • their own legal obligations to ride New Zealand roads
  • the roadworthiness of their motorcycle
  • to ride safely and courteously and obey New Zealand laws

The ride organisers have complete discretion to kick you off a ride if there are concerns about you or your willingness to ride safely, act courteously and follow instructions.

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Other safety considerations

We generally ride on public roads and make no guarantees about the conditions on the day.

Be a good bugger and ride to your own capabilities. Be aware of unpredictable and potentially hazardous road surfaces, traffic, weather conditions blah blah blah.

Remain constantly aware of wild animals & humans, pot holes, and other road users who act dangerously or lack skill or sound mind.

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Photo & Filming Consent

We'll be snapping photos and maybe videos at this event because we love to share the good vibes on our socials and in our marketing stuff. By attending, you’re giving us permission to use images and footage.

Don’t worry, we’ll handle them with care and follow NZ privacy rules. If you’re not keen to be in any photos or videos, just let one of our team members know.


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